Coming Soon
The high cost of doing business has not been met with adequate increases in reimbursement by CMS and MA plans. And the increasing administrative burdens due to inappropriate MA plan practices have created an environment of financial uncertainty for your clients. And this means they are running ever faster (and never catching up) needing to file more claims to offset decreasing reimbursement.
We want to work with your RCM to help your client’s increase reimbursement and pmpm revenue without seeing more patients while maintaining their independence and/or control of the way they practice.
Our RCM opportunity will help you enhance prestige and earn an easy new revenue stream at NO cost. And this is obvious - when your clients’ reimbursement increases, so does your revenue.
As an RCM, you can and should play a key role in helping your clients wherever possible. With your help, we can extend our offerings to them, which you will receive a share of any resulting service fees.
We offer a comprehensive suite of services:
(See our webpages for the important details on each)
Though most TINs did a good job meeting compliance in the past, due to new complexity and the failure of vendors and health plans to provide TINs and their providers with the proper expertise, tools, and/or training, most are NOT meeting all requirement benchmarks and targets on at least one, but for some, all four of our service categories.
Administrators even boast about their cost of care, quality scores, risk adjustment, abstract coding teams, QA audit teams, and provider education. Unfortunately, most are still apathetic about action needed, because up until now, the requirements have not amounted to any significant increase in revenue. But this has now changed.
All our category services are offered on a clinic-by-clinic basis and tailored to each clinic’s specific needs, which can change from one year to the next. Each is predictable and annually renewable. The fee schedule included in our contract means Live Well A.P.S. will remit a revenue share back to your RCM.
And it is super easy…there is nothing to sell. Just call or email your clients and follow our easy script and help schedule them to attend a 30-to-60-minute Zoom call with us. That’s it - we take care of the rest.
Why work with us? Requirements make up thousands of pages of regulations in the Federal Registry. They are a very complicated beast and no small task to manage or optimize.
Optimization requires expertise from professionals that provide frequent reporting, useful analysis, and possess a knowledgeable team.
We want to help you make something of real value available to your clients that provides significant help, makes you more revenue, and works well for us too.
Your RCM is perfectly placed to supply the help your clients need and earn an easy additional revenue stream in the process.
Things We Need from Your RCM
Upon execution of our RCM Advisor Agreement, below is a suggestion list of what we need from your RCM to ensure success:
- A short referral letter and/or video from your President or executive.
- Access to your client list.
- Inclusion on your website.
- Inclusion in your new client welcome materials.
- Booth space at expos or events.
- Inclusion in annual client value statements.
- Inclusion in client communications and promotions.
In a 30-to-60-minute Zoom call, we will provide you with a financial snapshot, using data you supply us on a few of your client TINs, which will show you how much more reimbursement they can capture. And provide you with higher prestige and revenue.
Take a moment to download our NCND. Complete and email it to: Then reserve your Zoom call with us.
- Click Here to download our Mutual NCND (pdf). We are NOT data miners. Your info will be kept strictly confidential. We will also be sharing proprietary and confidential information with you on the Zoom call.
- Click Here to go to our Calendly page to reserve your Zoom call with us. Complete the required fields and when asked “purpose of call,” click: Join Our Team – RCM.