MIPS Value Pathways (MVPs) are a new, voluntary way to meet MIPS reporting requirements. Each MVP includes a subset of measures and activities that are related to a specialty or medical condition to offer more meaningful participation in MIPS.
Clinicians now have 3 MIPS reporting options: MVPs, traditional MIPS, and the APM Performance Pathway (APP). And starting in 2026, any multispecialty groups intending to report MVPs will be required to report as subgroups. CMS plans to sunset traditional MIPS in the future, at which point MVPs will become mandatory unless the clinician is eligible to report as an APP.
Why should you transition to reporting MVPs before they are required?
MVPs offer:
- A more connected assessment of quality of care. Each MVP is developed with a given specialty or medical condition in mind. With more meaningful groupings of measures and activities, MVPs offer a more connected assessment of quality of care.
- Streamlined, reduced set of measures and improvement activities. CMS understands that there is too much choice and complexity when selecting and reporting measures and activities in traditional MIPS, causing an increase in administrative burden. With a reduced list of measures and activities to choose from in each MVP, there are fewer options which create deeper measure and activity links and less administrative burden.
- Enhanced performance feedback. The streamlined, reduced set of measures and improvement activities offer a more connected assessment of quality of care which allows CMS to offer the opportunity for enhanced performance feedback. This feedback will provide comparisons between similar clinicians that choose to report the same MVP, offering more clinically relevant comparisons. MVPs focus on measures and improvement activities that are relevant to a given specialty or medical condition.
- An opportunity to become familiar with MVPs and the future of MIPS. MVP reporting isn't currently mandatory, but CMS intends to sunset traditional MIPS through rulemaking in future years. Early adoption of reporting MVPs will allow your clinicians to get comfortable reporting MVPs and preparing for any potential practice workflow changes. For CPY 2023, you can choose to report an MVP in addition to another reporting option, such as traditional MIPS or the APP, and CMS will take the highest score you receive.
- Potential to reduce reporting burden across CMS programs. As CMS transitions to MVPs, they are evaluating opportunities to reduce the burden in overall CMS reporting programs. For example, there is some consistency between some CMS Innovation Center (CMMI) models and MVPs. As CMS continue to receive MVP candidates for development and review annual recommendations for MVP revisions, they will continue to seek out alignment opportunities between MVPs and other CMS programs as applicable.
We work with clinicians, patients, specialty societies, and third parties – to establish MVPs that support meaningful measurement of a specialty, medical condition, or public health priority, and that are meaningful to patient care.
Your involvement is critical to ensuring that MVPs align with the clinical needs and practical considerations of a given specialty or medical condition.
Our team of experts will assist you through the reporting requirements, the catalog of finalized MVPs (including the measures and activities included in each MVP) and determine if there's an MVP that's clinically relevant for you.
Our Provider Partner is a MIPS expert and CMS Certified Clinical Qualified Registry that specializes in the processes of MACRA Optimization and Transition to MVP for financial ROI.
They support thousands of independent and hospital-based physicians & clinicians, multi-TIN organizations, and ACOs and their Member TINs. As a Certified Clinical Qualified Registry, they’re a CMS approved entity that collects clinical data from MIPS eligible TINs, physicians, and clinicians (both as individuals and groups) and submits it to CMS on their behalf for purposes of MIPS (reporting options are limited to measures within MIPS and the Quality Payment Program).
They possess a knowledgeable team of people that handle all necessary tasks and provide frequent reporting and useful analysis.
In the 30-60-minute Zoom call, we will talk in detail about our core team and qualifications, our service options, and why transitioning to an MVP may be the right step for you.
Click Here or see the link below to go to our Calendly page to reserve your Zoom call with us. Complete the required fields and when asked “purpose of call,” click other, then type: Transition to MVP.